Investing Leads To Water Savings___

When we conserve water, we lower the demand of imported supplies and increase our region’s water reliability. To support conservation, Metropolitan last year invested $24 million in rebates and landscape and irrigation classes as well as research, and public outreach. Our investments paid off; we’ve saved the region about 331,000 acre-feet – enough water for nearly 1 million families for a year.

Graphic of Metropolitan's Cumulative Investment

Conservation As A Way Of Life___

Southern California’s water conservation success is told in numbers. Since 1990, estimated potable per capita water use has dropped nearly 40 percent, despite a population growth of almost 30 percent. Our water use is decreasing because of conservation and water-use efficiency programs, legislation, and education and outreach campaigns. Combined, these efforts have enabled conservation to be a way of life in Southern California.

Graphic of Potable Per Capita Water Use

Multilingual Multiplatform Conservation Message___

Metropolitan developed a multilingual multiplatform outreach campaign to communicate the conservation message. With over 500 million impressions, 18 million views, 200,000 visits to our bewaterwise.com website, and nearly 100 media interviews, the water saving message was spread far and wide in 2022.

Various images of Metropolitans' multilingual campaign

Supporting Local Programs___

Metropolitan invests in local supply development through the Local Resources Program. Last year, Metropolitan and its local partners produced over 4 million acre-feet through 88 recycled water projects and 28 groundwater recovery projects.

Photo of recycled water pipes.

Innovative Solutions___

We continue to lead in innovative solutions to strengthen Southern California’s water resiliency with Pure Water Southern California. The regional water recycling program is a new approach Metropolitan is taking by directly funding the project. If the full-scale project moves forward, the project will produce and deliver enough water for 500,000 homes, water that would otherwise be flushed to the ocean.



Construction worker photo

Environmental Stewardship___

We remain committed to ensuring water supply reliability and quality in an environmentally responsible way. As leaders in California, Metropolitan has established greenhouse gas reduction goals that exceed those set by the state in our Climate Action Plan. We actively participate on planning boards and organizations focused on efforts such as stormwater collection, salinity management and habitat restoration and preservation. 

Image of Diamond Valley Lake