Metropolitan board chair issues statement on decision to place general manager on administrative leave

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Metropolitan board chair issues statement on decision to place general manager on administrative leave
June 15, 2024

Metropolitan Water District board chair Adán Ortega, Jr. issues the following statement on the board’s decision to place General Manager Adel Hagekhalil on administrative leave:

“The board’s decision to place General Manager Hagekhalil on paid administrative leave was made to allow time to investigate various personnel matters. To be clear, the matters under investigation are not exclusively based on the issues raised by one individual.

“A false narrative has emerged, and been reported in media coverage and online, suggesting the decision to place Mr. Hagekhalil on leave is based on an attempt to reverse, change course or subvert Metropolitan’s policy work to ensure a reliable water supply for Southern California. This narrative is not only untrue, it’s unhelpful and undermines the due process protections of all involved, including Mr. Hagekhalil. It is an overt external attempt to leverage personnel matters to influence district policy. The district’s goal during this interim period is to continue making progress on our Climate Adaptation Master Plan for Water and all our work to sustainably bring water to the communities we serve.

“This is a personnel issue involving multiple matters, and the investigation into these matters is confidential. It is essential to protect the rights of all parties. Conspiracy theories and speculation about allegations are harmful to the investigative process and any individuals involved.”