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FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 Budget and CY 2019-2020 Rates & Charges
For the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, a stable financial strategy is essential to managing imported water supplies to member agencies that directly or through sub-agencies serve six counties, nearly 19 million people and half of the state's economy. Metropolitan adopts two-year budgets. The fiscal years 2018-19 and 2019-20 proposed spending plan and the calendar years 2019 and 2020 proposed rates and charges are scheduled to be considered for adoption by Metropolitan’s Board of Directors in (April 2018) after a series of public workshops and a public hearing. The proposed budget, rates, and charges reflect a careful balance between generating revenues in a fair manner to invest in the region's water future and managing rates through steady, modest increases that reflect the cost of service.
Board Materials and Presentations
Additional Materials Supporting Proposed Budget, Rates, and Charges
Fact Sheet